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GEORGE KIMANI “A piece of advice I can give anyone who has no idea on how to do what they want to do is to just start small. A little goes a long way.” George Kimani is an his production and scriptwriting skills aspiring film director and creating content for Instagram. Gand videographer who Although he is currently focussing has had a passion for on short-form comedy, he plans to film burning in him since he was 10 go work on short and feature films. years old. When his father gifted For obvious reasons, George credits him a handy cam for his birthday, his success so far to his family, es- he shot and edited short clips of his pecially his brother Edwin Wainaina younger brother. His parents’ who is his biggest fan and motivator. support of his craft was solidified He additionally is grateful to Seth when they would set aside some Gor, another content creator, with nights to watch the silly clips of his whom he started this journey. brother as a family Motivated by his incredible and positive memories, George has been growing 50nd3k4 290 50nd3k4 291

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