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He flawlessly delivers sketch comedy, family from rural Kenya who migrated character impressions, wacky to Nairobi yet retain their upcountry monologues, impromptu stunts and idiosyncrasies and habits. In the show, much more. He’s also an he plays the father, mother, daughter, exceptional musician and has son, grandmother, grandfather and the released a few tracks with former people around them…with many more CRAZY KENNAR group 411. He’s released a few solo to come. tracks with the promise of a full album Tales of the crazy Kennar soon. Look out for a range of music productions, shows, events and wild Flaqo’s core project is the Othentiks and wacky projects, from a character At the age of 23 he has achieved great heights by being able to work Family, a sketch comedy show about a whose creativity and acting skills know with various big brands in the market and also by being able to bag no limits!! numerous awards in the industry establishing himself as not only an influencer but also a game changer. ennedy Odhiambo Ondiek is a Kevin was later joined by his friends, young, enthusiastic and Stanley Omondi, Yvonne Khisa, Bushra Kaccomplished comedian in Sakshi, Cynthia Wanjiru, and Stephen Miser Kenya. He has spent the last 5 who all share a common vision for comedy not years building his brand ‘Tales Of The Crazy only as a form of entertainment but also as a Kennar.’ He became interested in come- tool to educate. dy from a very young age of 11 years where he took part in various drama What we love most about Crazy festivals competitions emerging as Kennar is that the top actor year in year out, he he has been continued with this path onto using his com- high school and later to edy to campus. create aware- 50nd3k4 286 50nd3k4 287

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