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“Network more! Immerse yourself in spaces where you can grow as a creative and where you can market yourself to potential clients” that indeed watch making is a crafts- it. Is it travel photography? Portrait manship that goes on todate and also photography? Wedding photography? It help advertise his business to potential solely must come from deep within you. customers online. 3. Find a mentor! A mentor will help It’s also quite interesting how the older you learn a lot by learning from their generation has resonated with this mistakes and probably put you on to a particular project and have shown couple of projects and jobs where your much interest into it. Probably be- skillset might be of use or better yet cause of the nostalgia it brings with it; help you fine tune your skills. I myself being a recreation of their childhood have a mentor and I must admit it goes aesthetic. a long way! Any advice to upcoming creatives? 4. Network more! Immerse yourself in spaces where you can grow as a cre- My advice to upcoming photographers ative and where you can market your- is to hone your craft! self to potential clients. Who knows, someone might know someone who 1. Always keep learning and perfecting might be needing your services. your craft. Learn about composition of shots; lighting, color dynamics and 5. Consistency and keep creating. Con- how they invoke different moods with sistency beats talent in most cases. different tones. 6. leverage the school of YouTube 2. Find a bearing and pursue it. Don’t and photography forums to learn more venture into a particular style just about Photography and upskill in as because someone you follow on Ins- much as you can. Never has learning tagram is. Self-reflect and see which been made easier! style would suit you best and pursue 50nd3k4 196 50nd3k450nd3k4197197

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