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“A home without daughters is like a spring without a source” Dr. Margaret Ogola Benjamin Grace Ochieng Ogot Benjamin Ochieng’ was born in village Ofafa Grace Ogot, author, matriarch, politician. Her Dr. Margaret Destiny,’ an almost premonition treatise about a woman Jericho in Nairobi, Kenya as the second child of story starts in her youth, where she would listen dying of cancer. There was also ‘A Gift of Grace,’ the the family with seven boys. He graduated with a to traditional folktales told by her paternal Ogola biography of Maurice Cardinal Otunga co-authored Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer grandmother, who was a renowned storyteller in with Margaret Roche; ‘Educating in Human Love,’ a Science After graduation, he relocated to the area. Born in Kenya’s Central Nyanza district Born in 1958, Dr Margaret Ogola was a truly parenting guide on children and sex co-written with her Hollywood, California where he further studied in 1930, Grace Ogot was a founding member of amazing and awe-inspiring woman. She was not only hubby, Dr George Ogola with whom she had four chil- music and acting. Benjamin got his big break the Writers’ Association of Kenya. In 1984 she is Kenyan and human rights advocate, but also a dren and two foster ones; and ‘Mandate of the People,’ after telling the Associate Director on X-Files that became one of only a handful of women to serve paediatrician and the medical director of Cottolengo published posthumously. he spoke Swahili and was hired three minutes as a member of Parliament and the only Hospice for HIV/Aids orphans. In her spare time, she later for his first speaking role. Until this point, he woman assistant minister in the cabinet of wrote prize-winning novels such as ‘The River and the The alumnus of Thompson Falls (where she was the was mostly an extra. Since then, he was known President Daniel Arap Moi. All in all, a testament Source,’ a novel that follows the inter-related lives of best overall student), Alliance Girls High School and as the go-to actor for Swahili lines. to the strength and ingenuity of an intelligent four generations of women in pre and post-colonial the University of Nairobi, where she earned her Kenyan woman. Kenya. A book that made her into a household name bachelor’s degree in Medicine in 1984 and her In true Kenyan entrepreneurial-ism, he used this “When you are frightened, and that became a KCSE set book for many years. master’s in paediatrics in 1990, was a member of the niche as an international Swahili speaking actor Besides serving as the vice president of Family Life Opus Dei, a Catholic order, and also an adviser to to properly launch his impressive filmography don’t sit still, keep on Counselling (Kenya) and as the national executive the Kenya Catholic Bishops on family and health. The and is fast making a name for himself as a doing something. The act secretary of the Commission for Health and Family recipient of the 1999 Familias Award for Humanitarian producer and sound editor. of doing will give you back Life of the Kenya Episcopal Conference, Dr Ogola Service from the World Congress of Families died of your courage.” managed to write two novels, ‘I Swear by Apollo,’ a cancer on September 21, 2011, at the age of 53. 50nd3k4 380 sequel to ‘The River and the Source,’ and ‘Place of 50nd3k4 381 50nd3k4 380 50nd3k4 381

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