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Yes, we understand that this chapter title invokes images of art from long-forgotten villages that should be in museums. While the work we show in this chapter is Stephen Otieno, also known as Okuku is a Different artists have different inspirations to their museum-quality it’s by no mean old. Traditional art in this Kenyan born artist based in Nairobi. He does art pieces. Okuku is inspired by hardworking wom- sense is contemporary art created using traditional drawing, painting and graffiti; charcoal on paper, en who go through a lot to make ends meet for techniques, eg sculpting, moulding or painting. Too often pen and ink on paper, acrylic on canvas, spray their families. Currently he is working on a series we get caught up in the digital world and with the paint on wall as the main medium. He likes art called “Mama Mboga” (woman selling groceries). pandemic, it’s harder and harder to go out and since it is a passion that he started way back in It’s a story that shows how hardworking women appreciate grand installations or go to a gallery viewing. primary school where he would draw diagrams that are and the struggles they go through to make So here we profile some of the most amazing traditional teachers would use for instruction in class. ends meet. Okuku aspires to show the world how artists in Kenya. Teachers would ask him to draw art pieces of great and important mother and child are for the diagrams as maps, science class drawings to aid future of a Nation. in instruction in class. It is here that he realized his passion for art. 50nd3k4 78 50nd3k4 79 50nd3k4 78 50nd3k4 79

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