Lux in Tenebris Victor Mutua is a professional photographer and His primary source of income was from events and by Vic Mutua videographer specializing in portrait, fashion, personal shoots but the pandemic made him shift his wildlife and street photography as well as camera focus to drone photography. He enjoys it for the chal- ops and drone photography and videography. He lenges it proposes as a new horizon in photography burns with a fiery passion for creating spectacu- and for the chance to see and show the world from a lar imagery capable of capturing and portraying new viewpoint. incredible moments to share with the world. Vic is an introvert and discovered his love for photography after he organised a photography club in high school so he could have an extra- curricular activity that required minimal social interaction. Since then, photography has been an important part of his journey of self-discovery and is a tool he uses to help make sense of the world. 50nd3k4 160 50nd3k4 161 50nd3k4 160 50nd3k4 161
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