SWXd\ AbURad Integrated Digital Media Students can stud\ abroad at one of our e[change partners while sta\ing on track for their degree! We have over 30 partner institutions to choose from. Below are just some recommendations for IDM students looking to stud\ abroad. These are not \our onl\ options and we encourage \ou to set up an appointment to learn more! SRXWK KRUea IWaO\ KRUea UQLYeUVLW\ PROLWecQLcR dL MLOaQR More than just K-Pop, South Korea is home to Spend a semester at Ital\'s #1 engineering innovative advances in automotive, robotics school. Students will take classes and have the and IT. Students can connect with renowned chance to join Formula 1 and Motocross club companies such as Samsung, LG, and H\undai! teams! MCC Elective Free Elective Free Elective Reverse Modeling 3D Content Theor\ and Practice Temporar\ E[hibition Design Interior Design HUSS Elective Creative Fashion Design and Construction CKLQa HLgKOLgKWV CLW\ UQLYeUVLW\ Rf HRQg Take unique electives KRQg Get involved in multidisciplinar\ projects Make lasting friendships and e[pand \our Free Elective global network Computer Animation for Interactive Immersive cultural e[perience Content All classes Pass/Fail! Web Animation Check out our Tandon E[change Multimodal Interface Design database to review locations and school! Check it out! Sample IDM Stud\ Pre-Approved Pre-Approved Abroad Pathwa\s IDM Courses HUSS Courses ASSOLcaWLRQ DeadOLQeV FaOO: Februar\ 15th SSULQg: September 25th
Major Specific Study Abroad Guides Page 8 Page 10