CRVW BUeaNdRZQ Charges on Bill: Pa\ the same tuition and fees; all financial aid/scholarships applies. Out of Pocket: Flight, Housing, Dail\ LiYing E[penses, Immigration Documents/Visa ProYided b\ NYU (Free of Charge) International Health Insurance FAQV HRZ dR GUadeV aQd CUedLWV WRUN? NYU GORbaO SLWeV: Courses are graded, effects GPA, counts toZards degree E[cKaQJe PaUWQeUV: Courses are P/F, no effect on GPA, counts toZards degree WKeQ CaQ I SWXd\ AbURad? Students must haYe completed at least their first \ear of stud\ and haYe a 3.0 GPA to appl\ PreYious knoZledge of the language is not a requirement SWXdeQW TeVWLPRQLaOV WLOOLaP Lee KRUea UQLYeUVLW\, SSULQJ '22 AbURad dXULQJ VRSKRPRUe \eaU "I'Ye met so man\ different t\pes of people on m\ trip and it has e[panded m\ perspectiYe on so man\ things. The Za\ the\ think and act Zas so different to Zhat I Zas used to, and it Zas refreshing to interact Zith people Zho are different." FRU PRUe LQfR: The Tandon Global Zould loYe to help \ou plan. Visit our site, fill out the interest form, and contact us Zith an\ questions/ or to set up a meeting! Email: tandonglobal@n\
Major Specific Study Abroad Guides Page 11