P C R O thecouncil,'sometimesacquires E M � O I religiousovertones.'" N R G D WhilepredominantlyMuslimFulani E S R E radicalsareoftenblamedforattackson P O T farmingcommunities,theState N E M A Departmentmaintainedthatattacks M B A E werealsoperpetratedby"armed R Z O 6 criminalgroupsofvariousethnicities." N , 2 SecretaryofStateAntonyBlinken T 0 O 2 "raisedreligiousfreedomissueswith D 2 A governmentofficialsinavisitin Y November,asdidembassyand consulategeneralofficialsthroughout theyear,"accordingtotheState Departmentannualreport. Arogundadepleadedforstronger actionfromtheinternational community. "Therearesomanyquestionstobe asked,andIseethatinaskingthose as the relationship between rejecting the exaggerated, caricatured questions,theworldwillbeableto WevangelicalChristiansand claims of the left, in which Trump compeltheleadershipofNigeriatogive Donald Trump a match made supporters were branded white answerstothosequestions,"he in heaven or a marriage supremacists and insurrectionists, believes. madewithhell?DidChristian Brown, himself a two-time Trump voter, conservatives trade their reputation for a spells out the dangers of Christian Herejectedtheideathatmuchofthe seat at the political table, or is this just a nationalism, rejects the idea that the violenceunfoldinginNigeriaresults false accusation from the Trump-hating, Churchis called to take over society, and fromconflictsbetweenfarmersand Christian-bashing, leftist media? And lays out a strategy for healthy political herders. howdidDonaldTrumpgofromunlikely andcultural engagement. Brown also "Iamverycarefultosayit'snota presidential candidate to superhero to delves into the flood of failed, pro-Trump conflictbetweenfarmersandherders. political savior in the eyes of his prophecies that swept through the No,itisanattackfromtheherders,"he supporters? In this penetrating, carefully Charismatic church during the 2020 insisted. documented,no-holdsbarredbook, elections, examining the genesis of false biblical scholar and cultural commentator prophecy and evaluating the degree to "Farmershaveneverattacked Dr. Michael Brown explains how millions which Christian conservatives bought anybody.Itistheherderthatgoes of sincere Christians wrapped the gospel into Q�Anon conspiracy theories. An aroundwiththeherdtodevastate in the American flag and got so caught extremely timely read, especially right people'sfarmsanddestroythe upinpartisan politics that President before the 2022 mid-terms and the livelihoodofthepeople.[The] Trump, almost more than Jesus, became launching of the 2024 campaigns. governmenthasallowedthisfortoo the rallying point of their faith. While longtocontinuetohappen." Thebishopreiteratedhisbeliefthat MichaelLBrown(Ph.D.,NewYorkUniversity)isthehostofthedaily, nationally syndicated radio herders"attackingthelocalsand showTheLineofFirewhereheservesasyourvoiceformoralsanityandspiritualclarity. He is the takingovertheirpropertiesandtheir author of more than 40 books and over 2,000 op-ed pieces and is the founder and president of farms"constitutesaformof"ethnic AskDrBrownMinistries. Dr. Brown has preached throughout America and around the world and has served as a visiting or adjunct professor at seven leading seminaries. cleansing."Heconcludedthat"they alsoattackchurchesinordertoimpose theirIslamicreligion." “I knew this would be a good book because that is what Dr. Michael Browndoes.ButIwasnotpreparedforhowgoodthisbookis.Good? This book is tremendous. I cannot imagine a more timely and more knowledgeable and more urgently needed book at this crucial momentinournation'shistory. Spread this word to every American wholovesourcountry!” �Dr.R.T.Kendall 30 VOLIII AUG2022 Author of Prophetic Integrity, Former Minister, Westminster Chapel (1977-2002)