CHRISTIANBANDWETHEKINGDOM BELIEVESINMIRACLESOFGOD DESPITEEXPERIENCEWITHCHURCHABUSE BYJEANNIEORTEGALAW etheKingdomhas abuse, and it was the first time they miraculous hand of God in how We the quickly become a performed together. Kingdomcametogether. WW popularnamein "Wehadnoideathetrajectoryof "It's crazy just to see the contemporary Christian whatthatsongwoulddo,”Bergthold faithfulness and the miracles that God music, and now they shared with The Christian Post in a doesinyourlife, and We the Kingdom wanttheworldtoknowGod'smiracle- recent interview. “That song started looks different than I would have ever working power. the journey of We the Kingdom. A imagined,” he continued. “But it's way WetheKingdomiscomprisedofEd couple of months later, we started better. Because it's God's plan, it's Cash, his children Franni and Martin, writing more songs shortly after that. I God's time.” along with his brother Scott Cash and waslike, 'Well, I have a name and “Miracle Power” follows their their friend Andrew Bergthold. website and social media, and previous single, “Dancing on the Bergthold tried to start a band everything else set up if we want to Waves.” After spending the spring called We the Kingdom in his use it.'" opening for Casting Crowns on the hometownofKansasCity,Missouri, "Everybody loved it and jumped on road, We the Kingdom announced last several years ago, but to no avail. He board. As I was driving home from that, monththattheywouldheadlinea22- then moved to Nashville, Tennessee, I just started crying because I heard date tour in the fall. for work, where he met the Cash the Lord telling me, 'This is the reason I Thefollowing is an edited transcript family. gaveyouthesedreams,andjust of CP's interview with the band, where After a few years of friendship and becauseit wasn't right at that time they open up about doing ministry as a working behind the scenes in doesn't mean I'm not faithful, and it family, their belief in the miracle- children's ministry, they penned a song won't come through.'” working power of God and how they called "Dancing on the Waves" to sing Thegroup's newest single, “Miracle got through a difficult season of at a Young Life camp event. The song Power,” is the lead song off of their experiencing church hurt. wasaboutadifficult season they had upcomingalbum.Bergtholdsaidthe all just come out of dealing with church single is fitting because he sees the OnthissideofHeaven,Ireallydo soitcanbereallyhardhere. CP�Youhavesaidthatwhat believethatGodworksmiracles.I Ilovethatsecondverse[inthe broughtyoutogetherasa thinkthatwetendtoseethem, song]thatsays:"Sometimesit'sso band,initially,wasgoing interestinglyenough,incountries hardbeinghuman/Allthestruggle throughaseasonofspiritual wherepeopledon'thaveaccessto andallthepain."Ilovewhenthe churchhurt.Therearepeople everythingthattheyneedtonumb Biblesays,"Wedon'thaveahigh whowalkawayfromthe theirpain,whetherit'semotionalor priestwhoseunabletosympathize Churchbecausetheyhave physical.IntheUnitedStates,we withusinourweakness."Hegetsit; experiencedsomekindof reallystrugglewiththatbecausewe wejustgottowaitonHimandtrust don'treallywaitonGodhere;wehave Him.Andthen,ifnotnowinthenext churchhurt.Youallhave ahardtimereallywaitingonHim,on [place],IknowthatHewilldo survived,you'rethriving,and Histiming,whichlookssodifferent miracles,butIhopethatthatdoesn't youarespirit-filled.Canyou thanours.Athousanddaysisone discourageourheartsfrombelieving talk to anyonewhomighthave daytotheLord;Scripturesaysthat, Himtodowhateverweneednow. 37