RCC STUDENTS ATTEND REGION 7 AISES CONFERENCE AT NASA LANGLEY Like the ‘Sweet Virginia Breeze,’ Spring • Resume Workshops Graham, ORyan Evans, and Megan ushered in a special time for RCC • Federal Jobs Tutorial Chavis. students, faculty, and sta昀昀 to reconnect • Navigating the pathway to and with peers and renew skills at the 2024 through graduate school Connor Locklear and James Lucas, Region 7 AISES Conference. • How to network and make the most pictured below (le昀琀 to right), are of college Information Technology students. 吀栀e 吀栀e conference was held at NASA • FDA Fellowships, Internships, and two received the academic scholarships Langley in Hampton, Virginia this past Early Career Opportunities from the Nansemond Tribe of Virginia. April. AISES stands for American Indian • Designing the Classroom of the Both students walked across this stage Science and Engineering Society. 吀栀e Future this May at Robeson Community College First Americans’ Pathway to STEM and will be headed to UNC Pembroke Success Grant at Robeson Community “吀栀ere was even an on-site job fair,” this fall to continue their studies. College sponsored the event, providing stated Lisa Hunt, the Director of Grants the ability for the college to have a and FAPSS Coordinator. “Our students presence at the event. also had an opportunity to get a professional head shot and upcoming “It was a wonderful experience,” Dr. graduates were recognized at the Melissa Oxendine, the FAPSS Project conference banquet.” Director and Academic Dean of Online Learning at RCC. “Our students had an Hunt says that participants also had a amazing opportunity in attending this chance to visit the Nansemond Tribal conference, from networking with others Grounds at Mattanock Town. to visiting Tribal grounds, it was just an “We learned more about the tribe’s overall great event and we are thankful collaborative e昀昀orts with local that we were able to represent Robeson environmental groups to help preserve Community College.” the Chesapeake Bay and its habitat,” Hunt said. 吀栀e event was organized by Virginia “We are so proud of Connor and James,” Tech’s AISES Chapter and hosted by Joining Dr. Oxendine and Lisa Hunt Dr. Oxendine said. “And we are so NASA Langley. from RCC were Business Instructor excited about what the future holds for and AISES Advisor Loretta Allen, all of these students as they are all very Breakout sessions included: Mathematics Instructor and NASO talented and skilled, and so we know • Opportunities to engage in Global Advisor Carla Deese, and AISES students they are going to go on and do great Indigenous Experiences Connor Locklear, James Lucas, Mariah things with their life.” 1616