REGINA WALTERS NAMED 2024 NORTH CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WINNER Robeson Community College an- “I was actually at work when RCC “Robeson Community College af- nounced its 2024 North Carolina came to observe teachers,” Walters forded me the opportunity to do this,” Community College Academic Excel- said. “I was asked if I ever thought Walters said. “If anyone were to ask me lence winner during its commence- about going back to school, and they why I chose RCC, I would tell them ment ceremonies today. asked me to attend an information it’s a family-feeling learning environ- session coming up, and all of this took ment. Robeson Community College Regina Walters received the distinct o昀昀 from there.” not only cares about its sta昀昀 but also its honor, one that is given to one student students. 吀栀ey have made my college per year from each of the 58 communi- Walters plans on con- experience easier ty colleges in North Carolina. tinuing to work for and pleasant for me Head Start but will to succeed.” “It’s a surreal feeling,” Walters stated as move from the kitch- she received the award. “It’s an honor en to the classroom, With roots deep in and a privilege… I have been out of possibly working with Robeson County school for 27 years and to come back children as young as 2 education, Walters and accomplish this, is truly surreal” years old up to 5 years says that “education of age. is in my blood, it “I am a single mother of two boys and runs through me.” a grandmother to 1 precious little girl,” “Head Start helps to set Walters continued. “I never imagined a 昀椀rm foundation for “My Great, Great, that I would have the opportunity to go children before they Great, Great, Great back to school to become a teacher.” enter into public school,” Grandparents Walters said. “吀栀e children learn social Reverend Elias and Roxy 吀栀ompson, Walters graduated with an associate and development skills which is so and my Great, Great, Great, Great of applied science in early childhood important for success later on in life… Grandfather Alexander 吀栀ompson education. She has worked for Head I feel this is what I am called to do, and founded the 吀栀ompson Institute in Start for 22 years, 16 of which have will continue to do until God tells me Lumberton,” Walters says. “It is still been at the location in Pembroke, as to move somewhere else.” standing today, known as W.H. Knuck- the kitchen manager. les Elementary.” 12