RESPIRATORY THERAPY RCP-110-D1 Intro to Respiratory Care Traditional 8/15-12/12 M,W 10am-12:50pm Start your career at our RCP-158-D1 RCP Clinical Practice III Traditional 8/15-12/12 W,TH,F 6am-2pm S,SU RCP-211-D1 Adv Monitoring/Procedures Traditional 8/15-12/12 M,T 1pm-2:50pm T 10am-11:50am RCP-214-D1 Neonatal/Peds RC . Traditional 8/15-12/12 M 10am-11:50am COMTECH Location! T 8am-9:50am SIMULATION & GAMING DESIGN SGD-111-BD1 Introduction to SGD Blended 8/29-12/12 T,TH 8:30am-10:50am SGD-111-FD1 Introduction to SGD Blended 8/29-12/12 T,TH 8:30am-11am 124 Livermore Drive • Pembroke SGD-112-FD1 SGD Design I Traditional 8/29-12/12 M,W,F 8:30am-10:50am SGD-114-HYMD2 SGD 3D Modeling I Hybrid 10/16-12/12 M,W 11am-12:15pm SOCIOLOGY SOC-210-BD1 Introduction to Sociology Blended 8/15-12/12 T 11am-12:15pm SONOGRAPHY SON-110-D1 Intro to Sonography Traditional 8/15-12/12 W 9am-12:40am T 8am-4:30pm TH,F,S,SU SON-111-D1 Sonographic Physics Traditional 8/15-12/12 TH 9am-3:20pm SON-130-D1 Abdominal Sonography I Traditional 8/15-12/12 M 12:50pm2:40pm M 9am-11:50am SON-220-D1 Son Clinical Ed III Traditional 8/15-12/12 M,W,F 8am-5pm T,TH,S,SU SON-221BB-MD1 SON Clinical Ed IV Traditional 8/15-10/29 T,TH 7:30am-5:30pm M,W,F,S,SU SON-242-D1 Obstetrical Sonography II Traditional 8/15-12/12 T 1:40pm-3:20pm SON-250-D1 Vascular Sonography Traditional 8/15-12/12 T 9am-12:40pm SON-289-MD1 Sonographic Topics Traditional 8/15-10/9 W 1pm-4:30pm SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY SUR-110-D1 Intro to Surg Tech Traditional 8/15-12/12 W 9am-11:50am SUR-111-D1 Periop Patient Care Traditional 8/15-12/12 T 8am-12:15pm TH 8am-1:25pm SUR-137-D1 Professional Success Prep Traditional 8/15-12/12 T 3pm-3:50pm SUR-210-D1 Adv SUR Clinical Practice Traditional 8/15-12/12 M 7am-2pm F,S,SU SUR-211-D1 Adv Theoretical Concepts Traditional 8/15-12/12 T 1pm-2:50pm WELDING WLD-110-D1 Cutting Processes Traditional 8/15-12/12 M 8am-11:50am Short-term training WLD-112-BD1 Basic Welding Processes Blended 8/15-12/12 M,W 12pm-12:50pm WLD-115-D1 SMAW (Stick) Plate Traditional 8/15-12/12 T,TH 8am-11:40am T 1pm-3:40pm WLD-117-D1 Industrial SMAW Traditional 8/15-12/12 TH 1pm-3:50pm F 9am-10:50am WLD-131-D1 GTAW (TIG) Plate Traditional 8/15-12/12 TH,F 8am-11:50am WLD-143-D1 Welding Metallurgy Traditional 8/15-12/12 M 1pm-3:50pm WLD-151-D1 Fabrication I Traditional 8/15-12/12 M 8am-11:50am W 1pm-4:50pm WLD-212-BD1 Inert Gas Welding Blended 8/15-12/12 T,TH 12pm-12:50pm Barbering massage therapy Manicurist / Nail tech esthetics Specialized Training Available Emergency Training Grounds 5825 S. Roberts Avenue, Lumberton 910-272-3330 • 19 APRENDE INGLÉS Nurse aide i adult high school CLASES GRATIS 1919