RCC GRADUATE JIMMY DONG RAKES UP $100,000 IN SCHOLARSHIPS Meet Jimmy Dong. He’s 18 years old. Dong plans on majoring in Computer “I look up to him, I want to be just like He’s originally from Manhattan, but Engineering Technology. him, but better,” Dong said with a smile. now calls Red Springs home. He’s a dually enrolled student, meaning he’s “I want to work for a company like Jimmy’s brother is set to graduate from in high school and college. On May 8, Microso昀琀, Lenovo, or Apple,” Dong Cornell this month with his Master’s he will walk across the stage at Robeson says. “I want to become a so昀琀ware degree in Computer Engineering, Community College, having earned engineer.” setting the bar high. an associate of science degree, and come this fall, he will be attending the Why Rochester Institute of Technology? “I want to get my master’s degree, too,” Rochester Institute of Technology in Dong said. “I want to be singled out New York on a $100,000 President “I’ve always had a from the majority.” Merit Scholarship. connection to that school,” stated Dong. “It “We are all given the “I am sort of nervous, but at the same was the 昀椀rst college that opportunities to make time, I’m excited,” Dong said. “吀栀is sent me anything and I the world around us is like a new experience for me, and thought, I might as well a better place,” Dong sometimes a new change in your apply to this school.” wrote in his entrance environment can be good… you just essay to RIT. “吀栀is never know what is ahead of you.” “吀栀ey have a good co-op profound realization program where you can serves as a catalyst Dong credits his time at Robeson intern with companies that encourages Community College as giving him a and get paid for it,” Dong me to pursue competitive advantage against other says. “吀栀ey are one of the knowledge and self- applicants. top 5 co-op schools in improvement…Our the country.” experiences—past and “I feel like all my e昀昀orts of doing present—weave a story of development, work… all the nights of studying, have Some of the corporations that provide transformation, and an unwavering 昀椀nally paid o昀昀,” Dong stated. “Being internships include Texas Instruments desire for a greater understanding of in one of the best colleges in Robeson and Lenovo, and Dong says “吀栀ere are life.” County heightened my application way more.” and being an early college student has “Attending the Early College and prepared me for the next chapter of life.” “I would love to be able to intern with RCC… it was all worth it,” Jimmy one of those companies and see what it’s said. “Community College is all about “It feels like I did more, I saved money, like to work for them.” getting a better education and having learned more, it was a better choice opportunities for getting a better job… than the traditional path, with one-on- Dong’s brother, Andy, was also an early attending RCC and the early college has one learning,” Dong says of attending college student at Robeson Community been one of the best experiences of my early college. College, graduating in 2021. life… I look forward to what my future holds.” 8