Leaders also discussed why did not earn a family-sustaining wage community with the training they communities need educational in 2021, a startling statistic that shows needed.” partnerships. why this push for this initiative is greatly needed. Leaders acknowledge there is still much “Collaborations have to be intentional,” more work to be done; however, as Dr. stated Brianna Goodwin, the executive “We want to achieve education equity Danny Stedman with Communities in director of Robeson County Church for every student regardless of race, Schools stated, “吀栀is is a great start.” and Community Center. “吀栀ey help to geographic location, or socioeconomic foster good pipelines, especially with condition,” said Locklear. “In June 2023, Locklear agreed, saying “We have a lot non-pro昀椀ts.” there were approximately 368,000 job to be proud of in Robeson County…It’s openings but 1.2 million North Carolina going to take all of us working together, Some suggestions were made for ways residents were without a postsecondary but we know together, we will achieve that RCC could motivate more young credential and many were unable to our goal of 2 million credentials by people to continue their education meet the quali昀椀cations to 昀椀ll those 2030.” a昀琀er high school, such as exposing vacancies.” youth to various occupations at an early age, hosting a special career fair RCC President Singler adds, “If we can STRATEGIC PLANNING for high school graduates, increasing get those residents trained, just imagine apprenticeship and internship what that will do for our workforce.” “Hopeful” is how attendees walked away opportunities with industry, and getting feeling from the myFutureNC meeting more success stories out on students Robeson Community College has recently held at Robeson Community who have earned postsecondary increased its adult learners by 34%, College. credentials. which is an amazing accomplishment in the higher education realm. RCC hosted myFutureNC last week for “You have to catch students earlier to get an attainment goal planning session. them to the next level,” stated Singler. “Many of those learners came back to 吀栀e State of North Carolina has set a “Students want to hear from industry complete a postsecondary credential goal of 2 million residents attaining a and forming these partnerships will or came back and completed a degree,” post-secondary degree or credential be a way to motivate students to want stated Freeman. “We increased by 2030. myFutureNC is working with to continue their education at an early accessibility to our workforce business leaders, organizations, colleges, l e v e l .” development programs when Covid and school systems on the local level, hit and we also re-examined which county-by-county, to make this goal a myFutureNC’s Dr. Robert Locklear programs were most needed and reality. shared that 43% of those living in North relevant, and we just kept working Carolina between the ages of 35 and 44 to make sure we were serving our “吀栀ank you for coming today,” RCC