Robeson Community College’s enrollment continues to grow semester a昀琀er semester, with continuing education and short-term training that continue to 昀氀ourish and more students seeking to complete a certi昀椀cate, diploma, or degree through curriculum programs. 2023 will go down in history as one of the largest graduating classes for RCC. Robeson Community College, awarded 258 associate degrees, 48 diplomas, and 79 high school diplomas, for a total of 385 credentials conferred. Of the 385 graduates, 191 earned an associate of applied science degree, 32 completed an associate of arts, 2 were candidates for the associate of general education, 33 received the associate in science degree, 48 were awarded a diploma in a curriculum program of study, and 79 students completed the requirements for a high school diploma through Career and College Readiness. Cecilia Holden, the President and CEO of myFutureNC served as the graduation speaker for the event.