RCC RECEIVES $25,000 FROM JULIAN T. PIERCE ENDOWMENT P愀爀tn攀爀ship = Opportun椀琀ies NEW PARTNERSHIP WITH FTCC EQUALS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR RCC STUDENTS A new partnership formed between “We are just really excited for this “吀栀ere are many general education Fayetteville Technical Community opportunity,” stated RCC President classes available during these two College and Robeson Community Melissa Singler. “We know this is going sessions,” Lowery adds. “So, if you come College means new opportunities for to be a perfect 昀椀t for our college, it out to RCC and register for 12 or the students in Robeson County. will allow students to stay local while 8-week classes, you could potentially be completing core curriculum courses, eligible to apply to FTCC at the end of 吀栀e new agreement was signed in and we believe this will provide many the Spring term if you attend full-time, early August and gives RCC students opportunities for our students in the and be well on your way to completing a competitive advantage when seeking future. your degree in dental hygiene, dental to apply to the dental assisting, dental assisting, or funeral services and be hygiene, and funeral services programs “吀栀is is also a great opportunity for completed by Spring 2025.” at Fayetteville Tech. Robeson Community College to meet the needs of our local workforce,” Students seeking to enter FayTech “吀栀ese programs are very competitive stated Eric Freeman, the vice through the agreement must still meet at FTCC,” stated Dr. LaRonda Lowery, president of continuing education and program application requirements and assistant vice president of instructional workforce development. “吀栀rough this be admitted into the program. services. “吀栀is partnership levels partnership, more RCC students will the playing 昀椀eld as there will be six have an opportunity to be admitted “It all begins with completing the RCC seats reserved in the dental assisting into these programs and become application, which can be done online program and four seats reserved in employable in their respective 昀椀elds as at www.robeson.edu/apply-now or the dental hygiene program for RCC they come back to work in Robeson you can visit us on the main campus students.” County a昀琀er they graduate.” in Lumberton and speak with o昀케cials in our Admissions O昀케ce located in So, how does the partnership work? Lowery agrees and hopes students Building 13,” Lowery stated. interested in the dental programs or Students will complete general funeral service education will try to get For more information on the new education credits at Robeson a jumpstart on earning their degree this partnership between Robeson Community College and then will fall. Community College and Fayetteville transfer to FTCC to complete the Technical Community College, please program speci昀椀c classes required for “吀栀e time is now to get started on visit our website https://www.robeson. the associate degree in dental assisting, your degree,” Lowery said. “We have edu/academics/dental-hygiene-dental- dental hygiene or funeral services several opportunities in the near future assisting-funeral-services. education, upon being accepted into including 12-week classes that begin the program chosen. September 12th and 8-week classes that begin on October 12.”