up the 昀椀rst day. Someone in the registration forced to adjust to remote learning. 吀栀e time A昀琀er graduation in May, Dial hopes to work o昀케ce told her, “Honey, you have to pay for away from classrooms led to learning losses in the intensive care unit at UNC Health college.” in North Carolina. Southeastern in Lumberton. Singler got a job at Hardee’s but struggled 吀栀e e昀昀ects were particularly profound in 吀栀anks to students like Jones and Dial – with self-discipline and 昀椀nding a sense of districts like Robeson, where student per- mostly non-traditional enrollees with an eye community. Halfway through her second formance already lagged behind statewide on a particular career or a desire to be their semester, she stopped going to classes. scores. During the 2021-2022 school year, own boss – community college enrollment 73% of Robeson County students were not is on the rise again in North Carolina. “I was an epic failure at Campbell University pro昀椀cient in math or reading, compared to Statewide enrollment jumped by 8% last fall – probably the worst student they ever had,” 50% and 52%, respectively, across the state. compared to the previous spring semester. she said. (Robeson Community College saw a nearly Two hurricanes – Matthew in 2016 and Flor- 7% drop during that time.) Singler got married at 19 and had a son the ence in 2018 – also kept Robeson County following year. Back home in Columbus students out of 昀氀ood-damaged schools for Rebounding enrollment is welcome news for County, she got a job at United Carolina months. Many families are still displaced by the state’s economy, according to Neil Har- Bank, where she was responsible for re- the storms. rington, a data analyst at the N.C. Depart- possessing cars from people who stopped ment of Commerce. making payments. She worked her way up At Robeson Community College, it’s im- in the banking industry and became a vice portant to recognize the triple whammy of It’s understandable why some would-be president at First Citizens Bank in White- trauma that students have endured, Singler college students have opted instead to take ville. Her family expanded as she and her said. less-desirable jobs with desperate-to-hire husband welcomed their daughter. companies o昀昀ering increased wages, Har- “吀栀is group of students who went through rington said. But making that choice now But, Singler said, “吀栀ere was always this Florence, Matthew and the pandemic – don’t could a昀昀ect workers’ lifetime earnings. feeling of un昀椀nished business” when it came stand in their way,” she said. “Don’t count to her education. those kids out. Imagine their tenacity and Plus, Harrington said, “吀栀at could potential- their ability to survive.” ly be dangerous in the long term by making So she enrolled at Southeastern Community workers less economically resilient. General- College in Whiteville. Daisher Jones, 23, isn’t counting herself out. ly, people who have had more education are better able to weather economic downturns.” Singler had lost touch with her friend from Jones was eight months pregnant with her Campbell, but they ended up in the same second son when she enrolled in the cos- As a former banking executive who oversees keyboarding class at SCC. She, too, had metology program at Robeson Community RCC’s annual budget of about $35 million, decided to return to school. 吀栀ey both ended College in January 2022. To ensure she got Singler knows all about what it takes to be up at the University of North Carolina at the required number of training hours, she “recession-proof” and prepare for the future. Wilmington, where they earned bachelor’s arrived 30 minutes early and le昀琀 30 minutes degrees and then master’s degrees in public late each day. Like many community college leaders, she school administration. faces a challenge in recruiting instructors. Working with students to create 昀氀exible Welders and plumbers, for example, can “吀栀is time,” Singler said, “it worked out schedules is key to their success, Singler said. make a lot more money working than teach- great.” ing courses. 吀栀ree days a昀琀er giving birth, Jones was back While working at the former Acme Delco on campus. Eventually, she hopes to become Limited access to high-speed internet in Middle School in Columbus County, Singler a nurse so she can both “take care of people Robeson County is also a major concern, for realized that many of her students’ parents and make people beautiful.” students and sta昀昀. Singler’s executive assis- didn’t have the educational background tant, Courtney Jacobs, lives only 15 minutes needed to help their kids with homework. In Mostly, she said, she wants to be a positive from campus but cannot get online at home. response, she started a GED class, which she role model for her children. “I feel like you also taught at Southeastern Community Col- set the standard for your kids when you go to To help students navigate such barriers, RCC lege and at the tribal grounds in Buckhead. college.” set up a system in 2021 to assign an adviser to work with each student from registration Singler took a job at Cape Fear Community Alex Dial has had a similar experience at to graduation. College in Wilmington in 2006, eventually RCC. She started classes in the school’s nurs- serving as executive vice president, before ing program a week a昀琀er having a baby. Singler said she wants her students to be she arrived at Robeson Community College more prepared than she was when she 13 years later. Dial, 26, said she earned a bachelor’s degree arrived that 昀椀rst day of college – not just in biology at the University of North Caro- for 昀椀nancial aid, but also for connecting to Undoubtedly, Singler de昀椀ed odds to get lina at Pembroke. But when she decided to tutors and 昀椀nding a sense of community. where she is today. But so have her current pursue a degree in nursing, she was drawn 吀栀at way, she said, students will be less likely students, she says – “and many of them with to the community college’s small setting that to drop out. a lot more hurdles.” allows instructors to work one-on-one with More challenges ahead students. “We’re putting those services in place before it’s too late,” she said. “And that seems to be “With it being a smaller class,” Dial said, working well for us.” Many college students were in high school at “we’re able to get much more hands on.” the start of the pandemic in 2020 and were