吀栀e winner of the contest was Ellie Robeson County Honor Guard, ending 吀栀e wall features all six branches of Baker, the wife of a veteran, who wrote with the grand reveal of the Veterans government – the United States Army, the poem “Veterans’ Isolation.” Wall of Honor. United States Marine Corps, United States Navy, United States Air Force, “吀栀e family gathers, but where are “Get your cameras ready, there can United States Coast Guard, and the you, isolated in your room… isolated only be one unveiling,” Singler said United States Space Force. from your family, not a smile on your with excitement as she got ready to pull face,” Ellie read aloud. “You cannot the curtain down. Giving levels for plaques on the 昀椀nd a way to forget your plight, the Veterans Wall of Honor include $250 wall that you have, that kept your loved It only took a few seconds for for white stripes, $500 for red stripes, ones out… try to push through it, love the Veterans Wall of Honor to be $750 for middle red strips, and $1000 surrounds you every day… we are here uncovered, but once it was visible, for stars. Donors can provide text for 2 to support you, for we know how… everyone started looking for the names lines per plate, 21 characters each. isolation go away, let him have peace of loved ones. and enjoy being home.” Teddie McCain, Regina Walters, Jessica Perez-Rojas, and Roger Williams were recognized for their submissions and received a certi昀椀cate for honorable mention. MSG Walter Smith, Quartermaster with the VFW Post 8969 made a tribute to fallen soldiers, followed by a 21- gun salute and playing of Taps by the For