CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2023-2024 8 BURTON STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (cont.) SIX-DAY CYCLE AND REPORT CARDS: DROPPING OFF STUDENTS AT ARRIVAL TIME: Burton Street Elementary School operates on a cycle that allows for a repeat of special activities Parents/guardians may drop students off at the back entrance of the school (parking lot, Clark Street every six days. These activities include physical education, art, music and library. Physical education entrance). Students will be permitted into the building at 7:58 a.m. Parents/guardians will follow a classes meet four times every six days; music meets twice; art and library meet once each cycle. single lane traf昀椀c pattern and have their child exit the vehicle onto the sidewalk. Vehicles will depart single 昀椀le following the car in front. For student safety, do not pass the vehicle in front of you and stay Teachers will share information about the classroom special schedule in on-going home/school in the single lane. Parents/guardians are not permitted to park and walk their child to their classroom. communication. School staff will be located at the entrance to help and support students should it be needed. Report cards for kindergarten through fourth grades are issued at regular, 10-week intervals throughout the school year. PICKING UP STUDENTS AT DISMISSAL TIME: SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM VISITATION: Students are dismissed from school at 2:28 p.m. Parents/guardians will be issued a speci昀椀c number For the safety of our students and staff, doors will be locked at all times. Students will say goodbye and rear view mirror tag that corresponds to the child/children they are picking up. Parents/guardians to their families in their vehicle or at the outside doors of the school. Parents/guardians are not will wait in their vehicle until their child is dismissed from the building. Students will safely walk permitted to walk their child to the classroom. This allows students to transition to school with independently or be escorted to the vehicle. Adults are not permitted to park and enter the building at their peers with minimal interruptions and ensures student and staff safety. Burton Street staff dismissal time. Once the child is in the vehicle and safely buckled, parents/guardians are required to members will be located at the entrance to help and support students should it be needed. leave the designated area following the car in front of them, single 昀椀le. Students who are not picked up by 2:45 p.m. will be escorted to the main of昀椀ce to wait for an adult pick up. Parents and guardians are welcome members of the Burton Street community. All visits to Should a parent/guardian be picking up your child that does not normally do so, parents/guardians are school for the purpose of visiting your child’s class must be pre-arranged with the teacher and/ or administrator. Planned events will be communicated with families in a timely manner. All required to call the main of昀椀ce and notify the school of who will be picking up the student. The adult picking up the child will be required to sign out and pick up the child. visitations should be pre-arranged and visitors must sign in at the main of昀椀ce and obtain a To reduce congestion in the designated areas at arrival and dismissal times, we strongly encourage visitor badge. parents to have their children ride the bus. TRAFFIC SAFETY: LATE ENTRY/EARLY DEPARTURE PROCEDURES: Traf昀椀c congestion at the school continues to be a safety concern. Parents/ guardians are strongly encouraged to have their child learn to use the school bus, and use the bus to go to and from Elementary students are expected to be on time for the start of classes, which is at 8:10 a.m. daily. school on a regular basis. Walkers and students driven to school should not arrive prior to 7:58 a.m. If it becomes necessary to bring your child into the building following the start of the school day, you must accompany your child Should parents choose to drop off or pick up their child, please do so safely: into the building and sign the child into school for the day. • Obey the speed zone • Be cautious of other vehicles and particularly Should you need to pick up your child early from school, please send a note with your child on the • Follow the traf昀椀c 昀氀ow patterns at the school the movements of parents and their children morning of the day they are to be dismissed. The note should give the child’s name and the reason for • Park in designated parking areas entering and exiting the school facilities the early departure. The note will be sent to the of昀椀ce and recorded. • Do not block 昀椀re lanes or loading dock and grounds • Do not let your child enter or exit the vehicle • When dropping off, please have students When you arrive to pick up your child, when entering the building, please sign your child out with of昀椀ce staff. After your child has been signed out, they will be called to the vestibule for dismissal. in traf昀椀c exit on the sidewalk side Parents may not pick up their child directly from the classroom under any circumstances. If a departure WALKERS: plan changes during school hours, please call the of昀椀ce with the changes before 1:00 p.m. Independent walkers will be dismissed as a cohort and will leave school grounds separate from bus departure.