CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2023-2024 6 TRANSPORTATION STUDENT REMINDERS: OFFICE (315) 655-1326 • Be 15 feet away, ready and waiting at the bus stop when the bus arrives. • Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop. Wait for the crossing signal from the driver before moving toward the bus. The Transportation Department consists of Bus Drivers, Attendants, Mechanics and the of昀椀ce staff: Kim • Students should remain seated whenever the bus is moving. All buses have seat belts, available for student use. Nowak, Of昀椀ce Assistant, and Karen Brouillette, Transportation Supervisor. Throughout the school year • Students should talk quietly. the staff takes part in workshops, refreshers, annual reviews, medical examinations and random drug testing. We are committed to the safe transportation to and from school every day for every student. • Manageably sized backpacks are recommended. We wish you a healthy and happy school year. • Eating and drinking on the bus is not permitted. SCHOOL BUS SERVICE FOR 2023-2024 SCHOOL OPENING: • Problems should be reported to the driver, building principal, teacher or parent. Students should not try to • School buses will operate on Thursday, September 7, 2023 for students in grades UPK-12. handle problems themselves. • Bus route information will be shared with families prior to the 昀椀rst day of school. • Drivers may assign seats. Drivers may issue student conduct reports. • Buses traveling to non-public schools and BOCES will operate according to the school calendar for PARENT REMINDERS each school. • Day care information should be in place by August 1st. This information must be renewed each school year. It is helpful to correct this information prior to the 昀椀rst day of school to ensure your child is on the correct bus. SAFETY AT THE BUS STOP: • Eating and drinking on the school bus are not allowed due to the danger of choking and risk to those with • Younger children and pets should be kept clear of the bus stop. The full attention of the driver food allergies. • Live pets, even when caged, are not allowed on the buses. No glass items of any kind are permitted. Skateboards, and students is necessary. sleds, ice skates, snowboards and scooters should be transported by parents, as these items may cause injury to • Parents or caregivers of younger students should be visible at the time students are dropped off. passengers. • UPK and Kindergarten students must be dropped off to an adult. • Backpacks should be used to help keep items together and be of a size that can be easily and safely managed • Students should move 15 feet away from the bus. by the child. • Students should never cross behind the bus or try to get on from behind the bus. • Large musical instruments, large athletic bags and fragile projects may need to be transported by parents, due • Students should follow the safe crossing procedures explained by the school bus driver. to limited space. • All students will participate in a school bus evacuation and safety drill during the 昀椀rst seven days of school and at LATE BUS ROUTES: least two other times during the school year. • Students participating in after-school activities need a late bus pass from the teacher/coach to ride • Belongings should be marked with the student name and the school attending. a late bus. • All changes should be in writing to the school. Bus passes will be issued for all bus changes. Verbal requests from students must be veri昀椀ed. • Late buses leave from the Middle School bus circle. • Every effort should be made to call before 1 p.m. with any changes for the afternoon schedule for your child. SCHOOL CLOSINGS OR DELAYS: • Afternoon bus routes will only transport your child to home or to daycare. • Any day school is closed due to adverse weather conditions no buses will run. On days when • Transportation will not be provided for play dates, lessons, work or parties. school is delayed, weather permitting, the afternoon schedule will resume. The radio, television • Please communicate with our of昀椀ce in a timely manner if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s transportation needs. and the internet will provide up-to-date information. Transportation Supervisor, Karen Brouillette, [email protected]