CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2023-2024 2 DISTRICT INFORMATION CAZENOVIA PTA AND PTSA: TEXTBOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS: Cazenovia Central School District is a member of the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Textbooks and library books are provided for pupils in accordance with NYS Education Law. These books the largest volunteer association in America. PTA works for the education, health and safety of all remain the property of the school district and they are loaned to pupils with the understanding that pupils children. Cazenovia has three separate PTA organizations within the District. are responsible for the reasonable care and safe return of any texts or library books they borrow. Lost or Burton Street PTA and the Cazenovia Middle School PTA are PTA organizations, and the Cazenovia damaged books will be paid for by the students to whom they were loaned. High School is a Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), which promotes student membership CAZENOVIA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: and leadership. The Cazenovia Athletic Association supports and promotes the athletic programs of the Cazenovia Central School The mission of our PTA program is to support and speak on behalf of children and youth in schools, District. Annual membership forms are available through FamilyID and to assist parents in developing skills they need to raise and protect their children, and to encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools. Please join us and have a voice. The CAA Of昀椀cers are Co-President: Ben Reilley, Co-President: Kate Ducey, Vice President, Pamela Prior, Secretary, Jessica Colby, Treasurer, Lorraine Lawson, and District Advisor, Mike Byrnes. The CAA is recruiting new leaders and Burton Street PTA Of昀椀cers: volunteers. Contact Mr. Byrnes for assistance. [email protected] President: TBD Secretary: Lindsey Henning EARLY SCHOOL CLOSING: Vice President: Jaci Korver Of昀椀cer at Large: Amanda Traynor If it should be necessary to close school before the usual time, it is important for your child to know what Treasurer: Beth Alton Teacher Liaison: Katie McGinnis to do. This is especially important if both parents work and there is no one to look after your child if there is an early dismissal. Please discuss this possibility with your child. All after school activities are canceled Middle School PTA Of昀椀cers: when school is dismissed early. [email protected] President: Colleen Fox Treasurer: TBD NOTIFICATION OF TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS: Vice President: TBD Secretary: TBD In accordance with the No Child Left Behind Act, parents are entitled to information regarding the Cazenovia High School PTSA: professional quali昀椀cations of their child’s classroom teacher. You may receive information by contacting [email protected] Treasurer: Debora Millson your principal. President: Kathleen Benedict Secretary: Mary Kate Gutierrez The information will include: Vice President: Kimberly Richardson • whether the teacher has met NYS certi昀椀cation requirements for the grade levels and the subject areas in Vice President: Emily Benedict which he/she provides instruction; [email protected] • whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional conditions by which NYS PUBLIC NOTICE OF FREE LUNCH PROGRAM: certi昀椀cation requirements have been waived; In accordance with the National School Lunch Act governing schools participating in the National • the baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certi昀椀cation or degree held by the teacher, and the 昀椀eld of discipline of the certi昀椀cation or degree; and Lunch Program, CCSD will provide free lunches for students from quali昀椀ed families. It is required • whether the child is provided services by teacher assistants and, if so, the teacher assistants’ quali昀椀cations. that such notice be sent out to all families of school children in the district. Application forms for free meals will be mailed to all families with school children in the district. ART APPRECIATION: The forms are available at all the school of昀椀ces and online. Quali昀椀ed families must apply each Cazenovia is fortunate to have one of the 昀椀nest art departments in Central NY. This year’s calendar year for free meals even if they have participated during the previous school year. Forms should features works created by the artists of Burton Street Elementary School, under the direction of art teacher, be returned to the school district treasurer as soon as possible. Forms will be made available to students new to the district at the time of registration. Mrs. Jennifer Facteau.