CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2023-2024 10 CAZENOVIA MIDDLE SCHOOL (cont.) PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: Conferences at the middle school are held as needed. If you would like to request a conference, please call (315) 655-1324 for Ms. Zeller. EXTRA HELP FOR STUDENTS: Classroom teachers are available to provide extra help as needed for any student. Students seeking extra help should talk to their teachers and arrange a time when the student can get extra individual help. Parents may also directly contact teachers to request that their child receive extra help. CAZENOVIA LAKERS ATHLETICS (grades 7-12) ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT SCHEDULES For up-to-date school sports game schedules and possible game or practice cancellations, please use the district website and click on the menu for Athletics. Follow the menus to 昀椀nd the schedule you are looking for. The Athletic Of昀椀ce uses ScheduleGalaxy to share team game schedules. Cazenovia’s account can be accessed at The online schedules will always be the most accurate schedules available and are updated daily. If you are having trouble accessing the schedules or other athletics news online, please call Coordinator of Athletics, Mike Byrnes in the athletic department of昀椀ce at (315) 655-1349. You may also 昀椀nd it helpful following us on Twitter at: @CazenoviaLakers.