CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2023-2024 13 CAZENOVIA HIGH SCHOOL (cont.) GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS HIGH SCHOOL REPORT CARD INFORMATION It is the expectation at Cazenovia High School that all students will graduate with a Regents or Regents with Advanced Designation diploma. All students must pass all 昀椀ve required Regents Exams with a score Marking Period Honors of 65 or above. Honor Roll: 85.0 - 89.9 In addition, students with IEPs, who do not score between 55 and 64 percent, have a continuation of the “Safety Net” as established by the NYS Board of Regents. If a student with an IEP does not score between High Honor Roll: 90.0 - 94.9 55 and 64 percent on one or more of the 昀椀ve required Regents Exams, they will be allowed to take a Highest Honors: 95.0 - 100 Letter grades are no longer used on interim progress reports, report cards or transcripts. Regents Competency Test. Students who have a 504 Plan, which speci昀椀cally states that the student is eligible for the “safety net,” can obtain a local diploma. In these cases, passing Regents Competency The following system can be used as a reference for letter grades. Some resources might list letter Test(s) gives the student local credit toward Graduation. grades. Below are the numerical equivalents: Please see the Program of Studies Guide for more detailed information regarding graduation requirements. The Program of Studies Guide is available on the school website. 100–97 A+ 87–89 B+ 77–79 C+ 65–69 D GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS AND DIPLOMA 93–96 A 83–86 B 73–76 C Below 65 F DESIGNATIONS WILL BE AS FOLLLOWS: 90–92 A– 80–82 B– 70–72 C– Report Cards Regents with Advanced Designation Report Cards Credits Subject Credits Subject 4.0 English 4.0 English Quarterly report card averages shall be calculated using a weight equal to the credit value of the 4.0 Social Studies 4.0 Social Studies course, excluding P.E. classes, which are not included in the averages. This will also be the basis for 3.0 Math 3.0 Math calculating quarterly Honor Rolls. 3.0 Science 3.0 Science End-of-year or course 昀椀nal averages shall also carry an extra credit value for AP exam courses. A 0.5 Health 0.5 Health value of 1.06 shall be added to the annual course average for a student who has been enrolled in 1.0 Arts 1.0 Arts and completes an AP course, including taking the AP exam. AP weighting takes place after the AP 3.5 Elective Courses 1.5 Elective Courses exam. If a student in grades 9-12 enrolled in an AP course does not take the AP exam at the end of 2.0 Physical Education 2.0 Physical Education 1.0 Foreign Language 3.0 Foreign Language the year, then that 昀椀nal course grade shall not have an AP extra credit value. (or 5 units of Fine Arts COMMUNITY SERVICE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS or CTE replacement) C.C.S.D. requires all students to complete 40-hours of community service to graduate. Students may begin accumulating hours July 1st of their 8th grade year. To be eligible for early release/late 22.0 Minimum Required 22.0 Minimum Required Exam Requirements: Exam Requirements: entry privileges, seniors must have 30-hours of community service completed by the 昀椀rst day of Regents Regents with Advanced Designation school their senior year and 40-hours by the 1st day of the 2nd semester senior year. English English The Seal of Civic Readiness is a formal recognition that a student has attained a high level of Global Studies Global Studies pro昀椀ciency in terms of civic knowledge, civic skills, civic mindset, and civic experiences. In order to U.S. History and Government U.S. History and Government obtain the Seal of Civic Readiness, a student must complete all requirements for a New York State (One) Science (Two) Sciences local or Regents diploma and earn a total of six points with at least two points in Civic Knowledge and at least two points in Civic Participation. Students may also earn points by completing a Foreign Language (pro昀椀ciency exam*) Foreign Language or Replacement Sequence middle school Capstone project or a high school Capstone project. Algebra 1 Algebra 1 *Or pass (1) HS Foreign Language course Geometry (The Foreign Language exam) Algebra 2