CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2022-2023 14 SCHOOL DISTRICT CONFLICT RESOLUTION Let Us Help You Resolve Conflicts and Concerns Administrators, faculty and staff members at Cazenovia Central School District recognize parents and community members might have concerns or complaints regarding instruction, District programs, materials and student management. The district welcomes any constructive criticism when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve our educational programs and increase school efficiency. Officials at the Cazenovia Central School District believe complaints and grievances concerning school personnel are best handled and resolved as close to their origin and in as timely a manner as possible in order to be fair to all involved. Therefore, the proper channeling of concerns and/or complaints initiated by a student or parent must be followed. Start here and work through the channels of communication until resolution is achieved: After discussing the issue at the school and District level, and if the complainant is still not satisfied, the complainant should present their issue in writing to the Board of Education. Factual material such as names, dates, names of witnesses and other specifics should be included in the written complaint. In order to discourage hearsay, rumors and prejudiced opinion, students their parents are encouraged to contact school personnel at the time of any incident.