CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT/GUARDIAN GUIDE 2022-2023 4 FERPA: ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS: ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLAN: Notice is hereby given to residents of the Cazenovia Central School District that the school regularly In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987, Cazenovia Central collects information on students and maintains this material in student records. Pursuant to the School District’s facilities have been inspected and response actions are planned to ensure a continued Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), parents of district children and safe environment for our students and employees. An update of the District’s management plan was students over 18 years of age have a right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, completed in 2022. The triennial review and inspection was completed in 2022. Copies of the District’s and data directly related to their children or themselves, including all material that is incorporated asbestos inspection report (and lead testing results) may be inspected during normal office hours in the into each folder intended for school use or to be available to parties outside the school system; Business Office at 31 Emory Ave., by prior appointment. and specifically including but not necessarily limited to: identifying data, academic work Please contact the Business Office at (315) 655-1340. completed, level of achievement, attendance data, scores on standardized tests, health data, family PEST MANAGEMENT: background information, teacher or counselor ratings and observations, and verified reports of New York State Education Law Section 409-H requires all public and non-public elementary and secondary serious or recurring behavior patterns. Requests to review official records must be in writing to the schools to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff who wish to building principal or superintendent of schools. receive 48-hour prior written notification of certain pesticide applications. If you would like to receive In addition, parents of a student under 18 have the right to request a correction of any information 48-hour prior notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled to occur in your school, please contained in the student record that they believe to be in error, misleading or otherwise inappropriate. complete the form provided on the CCSD website. For further information on these requirements, please Parents also have the opportunity to forbid their child’s participation in any survey that reveals contact the District’s Integrated Pest Management Program Leader by calling the Business Office at information on certain types of personal behavior or political beliefs. (315) 655-1340 to be assisted. Parents also have the opportunity to exclude their child from any activities in which personal FIRE INSPECTION REPORT POLICY: information will be gathered from students and used for marketing purposes. Notice is hereby given that the annual inspection for 2022 of structures within the Cazenovia Central Such requests shall be filed in writing with the principal of the school having the record with a copy School District for fire hazards, which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, and employees sent to the superintendent. In the event such a request is denied, the interested parties have the therein, has been completed. Structures inspected include all buildings owned by the District. The report right to appeal to the superintendent for a hearing. Parents, guardians, or eligible students may: is available for review by all interested persons at the Facilities Office, Burton Street Elementary School, 1. file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education alleging failure of the district to Cazenovia, N.Y. 13035. comply with FERPA and its regulations; and USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES: 2. obtain copies of this policy and the locations where copies may be obtained. All use of school buildings and grounds will be recorded and available to view through ML Schedules at CODE OF CONDUCT: the school website. Approved use of outdoor athletic facilities is organized by the Coordinator of Athletics. The Cazenovia Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly learning All other facility use is approved by the Director of Facilities. Community groups may request the use environment in which students may receive – and Cazenovia school personnel may deliver – of facilities by following directions on our website. If you do not have internet access, please call quality educational services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, (315) 655-1340 for assistance. Two weeks notice is appreciated for all facility use requests. Insurance is teachers, other Cazenovia Central School District personnel, parents and other visitors is essential required. Outside groups may be charged at rates set by the Board of Education. to achieving this goal. To this end, the Board of Education has adopted a District Code of Conduct. The code applies to all students, school personnel, parents and other visitors when on Cazenovia Central School District property or attending a Cazenovia school function. Copies of the code are available in the District Office and on the school website.