Above Green is a sustainability consultancy that helps BUILDING COMMISSIONING owners and AEC teams comply with code-based Our firm’s practice in commissioning is rooted in the sustainability requirements. Army Corps of Engineers Total Building Their team operates as a go-to resource providing Commissioning standards. We report to Owners and comprehensive or itemized services for third-party General Contractors who require a third party to certification programs and for troubleshooting witness and verify that MEP systems and the challenging high-performance projects. building envelope function as designed. • LEED CERTIFICATION CONSULTING • LEED FUNDAMENTAL COMMISSIOINING • HIGH PERFORMANCE SUSTAINABLE BUILDING • LEED ENHANCED COMMISSIONING (HPSB) • BUILDING ENVELOPE COMMISSIONING • IECC/IGCC CONSULTING • TOTAL BUILDING COMMISSIONING • SITES CERTIFICATION CONSULTING • IECC/IGCC COMMISSIONING • NET ZERO PROJECT CONSULTING • TITLE 24 COMMISSIOINING • CALGREEN CODE COMPLIANCE CONSULTING • RETRO COMMISSIONING They have partnered with hundreds of architects, TECHNICAL SERVICES developers, and contractors to win projects that earn Their in-house architects and engineers are trained recognition. Their staff includes senior architects, in the use of software for energy modeling, life cycle engineers, and multi-disciplinary consultants that assessment, benchmarking, and other studies that have a hunger for tackling projects that impact can help improve and verify the performance of new organizations, challenge the status quo, or make a and existing buildings. difference to their communities.

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