● In-app wallets, ● Chatbots, etc. Service Provider / Staff App - The application helps your staff and experts to manage their schedules and customer's request for appointments in a single platform. They can create and manage their profile like their special service, charge per hour, recognitions and others through this application. It has the following features. ● Easy profile creation and login process, ● Staff dashboard with customized tools, ● In-app communication to connect with customers, ● GPS-powered navigation system to locate the customer's place, ● Service fee management, ● Access to the history of payments and work done, etc. Admin Panel - Through this admin panel, you can take the upper hand in the online salon business-related processes. It has multiple tools to monitor the service providers and manage the business flow. ● Tools to manage service providers, ● User data management and optimization tools, ● In-depth analysis of customer behavior, ● Commission and fee management facility, ● Content management, ● In-app ads and purchase product management, etc.