Course Selection When the course selection window opens during the winter months, students are encouraged to talk with their teachers, school counselors and families about the course selections for the following school year. We want all students to have a balanced academic workload and ask students to think carefully about clubs, athletics, work and family commitments that are an important part of student life. Course selection is one of the most important commitments that take place each year. Once enrollment has been determined, teachers and rooms have been assigned. Therefore, students and parents should plan to make adjustments in course selections prior to the start of the new school year. It is important to note that courses will be offered pending sufficient enrollment and availability of staff. Students who have selected a course that is canceled will be asked to make an alternate selection. In some cases, students may have scheduling conflicts that will have to be resolved with the counselor through the selection of alternate courses. Because the number of classes to be offered, class size and teacher assignments are determined during this process, late course changes may be impossible to arrange. EARLY ENROLLMENT PROGRAM (EEP) The Early Enrollment Program is a partnership with Rhode Island College that provides juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credit while fulfilling their graduation requirements at Barrington High School. Rhode Island All Course Network The new RI All Course Network provides qualified high school students the chance to take an exciting catalog of college and career preparatory courses at no cost to participating students. The ACN offers students the opportunity to pursue college, high school, AP and elective course offerings that may not be available at Barrington High School. Please note: The ACN course and grade will be included on the Barrington High School Transcript. Dual Enrollment Dual Enrollment courses are taught on the institutional campus. URI, RIC, and CCRI have established criteria for high school students to find out if they are ready to take college courses. Dual enrollment means you receive the approval of your school counselor or administrator to take a college class that is taught by a professor on the college campus and receive high school credit at the same time. Concurrent Enrollment Concurrent enrollment courses are college classes that are taught by high school teachers, which means students can take a college class and earn college credit without leaving Barrington High School. Visit RIDE for further details. 7

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