Changes to Title 5 Regulations: What You Need to Know On July 7, 2023, MassDEP took signi昀椀cant strides toward protecting Cape Cod’s waterbodies by amending the state environmental code (310 CMR 15.000) that regulates septic systems. Designating new Natural Resource Area NSAs impels municipalities to address wastewater pollution. These regulation changes are critical to preserving our waters. Municipalities now have two choices for managing their share of nitrogen pollution: Apply for a Watershed Permit. These permits are issued by MassDEP for 20-year watershed management plans allowing towns to use a range of nitrogen-reduction solutions like sewer connections, I/A systems, cranberry bog restoration, fertigation wells, and oyster aquaculture to name a few. This allows for the most 昀氀exibility in abating pollution. Mandatory I/A septic systems in NSAs. If a town opts not to apply for a Watershed Permit, mandatory I/A installations (referred to as BACTs) are required for existing homes and new construction. On Cape Cod, there are 12 towns and 31 watersheds that are in an NSA. Chatham and Orleans already have Watershed Permits and the other towns have decided to 昀椀le a Notice of Intent with MassDEP or have already 昀椀led one. The Resources page on our website has a chart listing the actions being taken by each town and watershed. FUNDING SOURCES FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS Since every home is di昀昀erent, costs will vary. For example, • Cape Cod AquiFund Program — managed by a three-bedroom home on a one-acre lot requiring just an Barnstable County, this program provides 昀椀nancial I/A system retro昀椀t will have signi昀椀cantly di昀昀erent costs than assistance to Cape Cod homeowners in the form of a 昀椀ve-bedroom home within 400 feet of the ocean that low-interest loans for septic system replacement, needs to replace its entire septic system. An engineer that installation of I/A systems and sewer connections. has experience with I/A system installations will be able to give you an estimate of your costs before you proceed. • Loans and Grants from USDA’s Rural Development Program - options for low-income homeowners The following are state, county and business programs include Section 504 Home Repair and Section 502 available to 昀椀nance septic system installations. Direct Loan Programs. • Title 5 Septic Tax Credit — as part of the Healey • Cape Cod 5 Loan Program — this community and Driscoll Administration’s FY2025 Budget, a dramatic bank o昀昀ers loans to homeowners for sewer or increase in the tax credit for owners of a primary water main construction, septic tank removal and residential property in Massachusetts is available for plumbing. replacing or repairing septic systems. The tax credit has been increased from $6,000 to $18,000. • Some Cape Cod municipalities o昀昀er loans or subsidies to homeowners upgrading, repairing, • MassHousing Septic Repair Loan Program — this installing I/A systems and/or connecting to a sewer. quasi-public agency provides low- or no-interest Contact your local Board of Health for more 昀椀nancing to help Massachusetts homeowners information. address failing or non-compliant septic systems. 6 | Barnstable Clean Water Coalition | Fall 2023

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