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28 29 I left the receptionist job that I mention the past seven weeks with my partner. It’s in the podcast for a higher position in the been fantastic. I feel happy and full of life. same company. It felt more like a “career People tell me I look so much happier. job,” whatever that was. I definitely feel more confident in my I met some really lovely people, other abilities as a human person than I did graduates from other universities. This before and I’m very grateful to finally be wasn’t exactly a “graduate job” but a lot of having a break from everything and to just graduates fitted the role. enjoy life a little. The world is so big, there are so many opportunities everywhere, Having a degree opens more doors, but although my trip is nearing its end. Not only this felt a bit dead end. I was hoping to be will I have the memories I have made, but determined and move up the company my scope of what I want to do feels a lot and become a proper business woman at wider. I feel more inspired. the time. I basically ended up answering phones to financial advisers with a litany There’s no one way to do things. I’m still of questions about investments, pensions, young (as people keep telling me) so there’s etc. It was very dry compared to what I was no need to rush into anything. It’s ok to take used to. It started off well but I felt the life it easy sometimes. being sucked out of me and it was very draining. Listen to Molly’s episode of I think after graduation the focus for me the podcast from 2021. was finding a job, a career. I worked all the way through university and had never really had a break. By the end of January, I had a few offers in my field and a lot of people interested in me as a candidate. I didn’t think I could jump straight into a career. I didn’t feel like being a “jobsworth” and only saving up for a rainy day that might not even arrive in the first place. People around me could see I was unhappy, so mid-February I put in my notice. I started saving when I moved out of my parents’ home in second year and decided to put that money to good use. Right now I’m in Spain. I’ve just been to my first music Molly festival, and I’ve been travelling Europe for

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