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Using Conversational Messaging to Eliminate Friction From the Customer Journey With more and more customers using mobile What’s “friction” you ask? Great question. and messaging to engage with their favorite In a nutshell, buyer friction is anything that prevents a potential brands, it’s important to examine any friction customer from making a purchase. This friction could manifest itself your business might have in its buyer journey at any stage in the customer journey, from early stage discovery and take the steps to help eliminate it. to post-sale engagement. Regardless of what stage in the journey, though, the best way to identify the friction is by asking yourself one simple question: How easily can someone buy from your business? If you find yourself acknowledging complexities associated with the buying experience, it’s time to take a look and improve the buyer experience by reducing as much friction as possible. One of the ways a growing number of businesses have been reducing friction in the buying experience is through conversational messaging, which we’ll touch on later. For now, let’s unpack the components of the overall buying experience we’re looking to optimize.