We’ve already made the case that the fourth industrial revolution is, at its core, one that is made possible through next level connectivity. One of the leading principles of this brave new world is the blurring of the lines between physical and digital worlds. What that means in practice is that our digital systems are becoming an integral part of our physical ones. To capitalise on the advances of the fourth industrial revolution everything from the largest pieces of manufacturing equipment to the finest sensors need to be able to connect to digital worlds. One of the main upshots of that is the ability to collect vast amounts of data. Another is that physical systems around the globe can come together under unified digital platforms. That means data is being collected en masse, and physical systems can be controlled from anywhere. This obviously opens up a massive amount of opportunities, but those opportunities would be lost without one consideration; usability. With usability at the centre of your digital solution, you can move from the challenge of simply collecting data to the opportunity of making it work for you efficiently. Any business that wants to set in place Six Sigma techniques such as Right First Time and DMAIC methodology can do so. Introduction Why usability is so important in shop floor connectivity considerations SHOP FLOOR CONNECTIVITY ACROSS YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN

Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease - Page 13 Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease Page 12 Page 14