Connecting every system within a facility is great. It can enable incredible results and is the baseline goal for achieving the factory of the future. Connecting every system in a facility, as well as every system in a global network of facilities, then connecting those facilities, that’s what true connectivity should aim for. To do that, you need a powerful cloud solution handling the massive amounts of data that can produce. But, you also need a solution to the bottlenecks that will start popping up in terms of data collection and transfer. Edge computing allows you to handle large amounts of data handling on, or near, your complex and connected facilities. Connectivity will get you up to date, edge computing will fire you into the future. With these three elements baked into your future plans, your shop floor connectivity goals can take shape. You will be able to grow without worrying about scalability, because scalability will be an inherent part of your growth. Adaptability will come naturally and your preparations will pay dividends. Scalability Edge capability SHOP FLOOR CONNECTIVITY ACROSS YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN

Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease - Page 10 Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease Page 9 Page 11