We should never confuse the idea of usability with terms like ‘lightweight’. Just because a platform can be picked up simply, regardless of your background, doesn’t mean it can’t be capable of handling complex tasks. Shop floor connectivity is absolutely a complex consideration and it is broad in its scope. We’ve already talked about how connecting potentially thousands upon thousands of sensors, for example, is a relatively simple task. It’s big, but no single part of it is overly complex. But a system that does only that effectively is a system that misses out on the innovation potential of more singular, complex ventures. Adopting a digital solution to large scale connectivity challenges that doesn’t allow the mad scientists in your operation to create mechanical marvels that fit into the bigger picture and change the world, that’s a pure representation of wasted potential. It’s a fine line to tread, but any system you adopt needs to have the strength and efficiency to handle massive rollouts where marginal gains mean global impact, as well as the world changing projects innovators in your business might be working on. Usability Usability isn’t synonymous with ‘lightweight’ SHOP FLOOR CONNECTIVITY ACROSS YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN

Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease - Page 19 Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease Page 18 Page 20