Sustainability is a big word, and one we’re all possibly over familiar with these days. For that reason alone it’s important not to take a step back and remember what it actually means. Over familiarity with terms like sustainability can mean they lose their impact and importance. In reality, businesses need to be more sustainable for their own benefit and to ensure we’re safeguarding our world from irreversible climate change. On a grand scale, sustainability efforts help the world. On an individual level, they open opportunities for businesses to be leaner, more efficient, and more sustainable in ways beyond what we might expect. Sustainability in the global sense is about sustaining our environment. But a sustainable business is also one that weathers all storms. A sustainable business minimises its impact on the natural world, while maximising its longevity; adopting resource saving methodologies, waste minimisation techniques, and efficient business processes that maximises output. We’ve already demonstrated how a good connectivity solution takes into consideration scalability and how usability should also be at its core. So how does sustainability factor into the conversation? How could a shop floor connectivity solution help a business be more sustainable? Sustainability How shop floor connectivity enables sustainability SHOP FLOOR CONNECTIVITY ACROSS YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN

Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease - Page 22 Shop floor connectivity across your supply chain - How to roll out your global empire with ease Page 21 Page 23