ICUL CTION meets ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Gergana Elenkova My art - this is the body. For me, the body is a constant magnitude that transforms into a measure of space and time, a central tangent of interaction with everything that surrounds us. Trusting on these three basic and indissoluble relationships: space-time- body, I embody my ideas in corporeal (body) installations. An interview by , curator colorful palette of multi-faceted and , curator experiences. On the one hand, at the Plovdiv Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts I received extensive specialized education in the field of Fine Arts. My teachers tried to Hello Gergana and welcome toARTiculAction: break and change the old established we would like to invite our readers to visit academic model. They taught us to be inspired by the new, elenkova in order to get a wide idea about but without leaving the rigorous academic your artistic production, and we would like to frameworks of classical genres in art. For start this interview with a couple of me, this solid foundation of training is of questions regarding your background. You great importance for my skills and my way have a solid formal training: after having of expressing myself as an artist. In Spain, a earned your B.A.T. from the Academy of new challenging cultural horizon opened up Music, Dance and Fine Arts of Plovdiv, you before me. The interactive and innovative moved from Bulgaria to Spain to pursue your teaching methods in the Master in Artistic M.F.A., and you later nurtured your Production at UPV motivated my creative education with a PhD in Art, Production and potential to experiment with a wide range Research that you are currently pursuing at of different and novel artistic languages, Polytechnic University of Valencia: how did beyond the conventional. Looking for new these experiences address your evolution as forms of plastic expression, I chose this an artist? In particular, are there any faculty, for which I am grateful, because in it experiences that did particularly help you to I have rediscovered myself, beyond my role develop yourattitude to experimentwith as a painter. different techniques? So I have also had the opportunity to exhibit Gergana Elenkova: In retrospect, the path I in different parts of the world and meet and have taken as an artist could be described as a work with very interesting people.