ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Edition each of these media. Research and perception, image making and the combination of the most diverse elements, transform into a visual language. Looking back, over the past 3 decades, the same themes keep cropping up in my work in all these areas. Through them, the different media connect. So there are themes and figures that can be found as a recurring motif already in my early works of painting. They appear in comic drawings, animations, paintings and in my photographic works. With this way of working I illuminate the respective topic with different means from different directions. Independent of the media, I thus effortlessly build a bridge between the formal incompatibilities. The focus of my artistic work today is photography. For this special edition of ARTiculAction we have selectedMilchmädchen, an extremely interesting project that our readers have already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article, and that has at once captured our attention for the way it explores and subvertsstereotypized visions of daily experience, inviting the viewers to question the contradictions of contemporary society: when walking our readers throughthe genesisofMilchmädchen, would you tell us how did you develop the initial idea? Claudia Grünig: In my work there are always new challenges. And so I ask myself whether I should & would like to accept them. For one of my last exhibition I have done this with pleasure. I realized the photo works of my cycle Milchmädchen (Milkmaids) for an exhibition with the theme milk and cow. For me it is unusual to work on themes that come from outside. I don't usually work to given themes. Pictures show themselves when they want to. They can arise when their time has come. I can't really influence this and so I find the pictures