ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue a multiscreen documentary essay on Chinese immigration developed at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, and that your current PhD research is centered on the impact of COVD-19 on Chinese immigration: would you tell us something to our readers about this as topical as interesting aspect of your current artistic research? Yuying Song: My Ph.D. research is related to two important issues today: immigration and Covid-19. I am working on an essay documentary about the impact of Covid-19 on Chinese immigrants living in Spain. Immigration is a complex social phenomenon, It has been and is a topic of great interest to all sectors of society, and due to the mobility and instability of immigrant groups, they are at increased risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Chinese immigrants, as the second-largest immigrant group in the world. Since the first case of Covid-19 appeared in Wuhan, although its origin is still not conclusive, many disinformation and conspiracy theories have subsequently emerged, exposing the Chinese immigrant community to many criticisms and greatly affecting their lives in the immigrant countries. I hope that the research on this topic can break the traditional stereotypes We have really appreciated the and make the public understand more originality of your artistic research and about the Chinese immigrant community before leaving this conversation we and accept them with a more open and want to catch this occasion to ask you to tolerant mind. express your view on the future of