ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue Gergana Elenkova: Working on the issue of power undoubtedly takes us away from the idea of beauty but also it is not its purpose to question the dichotomy between perfection and imperfection. I believe that my body installations question the usual aesthetic understanding, thereby expanding the boundaries of the dialogic structure. They go beyond the pure formal representation until they reach another level of sensitizing the viewer and activating their consciousness in a more direct way. The use and repetition of the materials and forms in the elements of each piece allow me to develop their own visual language and capture new experiences. These representations of a metaphorical character form the visual and tangible vocabulary of my works. As you have remarked in your artist's statement, for you, the body is a constant magnitude that transforms into a measure of space and time, a central tangent of interaction with everything that surrounds us. Many artists express the ideas that they explore through representations of the body and by using their own bodies: how do you consider the relation betweenthe abstract featureof the ideas you aim to communicate andthe physical actof creating your artworks? Gergana Elenkova: The body installations turn the body into the subject and object of the artistic act and into a terrain and canvas, on which ideas are exhibited. I believe that the body is not only a shell that envelops the subject, but is also a matter that has sensitivity and resistance in each interaction. For this reason, I have used the body as a support to represent the influence of power relations on the subject. I establish a metaphor with which I intend to provoke people to listen to