Yuying Song ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue Yuying Song: Thanks for the compliment, I think the progress of art is inseparable from the development of technology. To some extent, it has contributed to the evolution of art forms and styles and given artworks certain characteristics of the times, but I think technology and techniques should be used as auxiliary tools for art creation, and it is more important to improve observation and creativity and find your style. For example, as far as photography is concerned, I believe that an excellent work of photography is not determined by its superior technology, but by the photographer's sensitive insight and the ideas conveyed. Over the centuries, photography has evolved from black and white to color, from film to digital, and each era has produced many excellent photographs and talented artists, such as my favorite artists Fan Ho, Vivian Maier, and Martin Parr, whose works have no complicated post-production, but capture the fun and beauty of ordinary life with simple compositions. Your works seem to belaboriously structuredto pursue such effective visual impact, and at the same time to capture spontaneity: how do you structured your shot schedule in order to achieve such brilliant results? In particular, do you careful plan each shot or do you create your works intuitivelly, instinctively? How important are improvisation and