ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue appreciated the way it challenges the viewers' perception process, through reminders to human body: how do you consider the role of symbols and metaphors in your creative process? In particular, are you interested in creating works of art with marked allegorical features? Nikoletta Tzanne: As I mention earlier in the first years of my study i had had to observe the human body in order to make drawings and life size objects out of clay. Furthemore I begun being interested in the forms and the structure of the internal organs of the human body . I believe that my pieces carry out the memory of this experience and the use of forms that have references in human body, have become part of my artistic vocabulary. My intentions is to invent pictures that depict emotions which often affect the human figure, without being particularly interested in allegorical features. Through your works you created such unique visual vocabulary able to trigger the viewers' imagination, inviting them to elaborate personal interpretations: how open would you like your works to be understood? Nikoletta Tzanne: I feel there is no better way to describe how I would like my work to be adressed to the viewers .I would be pleased if my visual vocabulary is able to trigger the viewers’ imagination and to arise personal interpretations. Most of the times the titles in my work is an attempt to indicate the intentions but in my opinion no matter any suggestions the way someone is