ICUL CTION meets ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Enne Tesse Lives and works in Beacon, NY, USA I revisit and reimagine the human experience of dress as layers that can make and re-define identities; offer body modifications and transformations; simulate protection; provide concealment; mark human social structures; spark narratives and group relations; and allow for survival. My work is rooted in skills and practices performed to produce and alter clothing including sewing, mending, pattern making, cutting, crocheting, weaving, embroidering and knitting. These sustained slow moving practices, repetitive acts, rituals, patterns and rhythms are my focus while keeping awareness of possible deviations. An interview by , curator attitude to experimentwith different and , curator techniques? Enne Tesse: Both experiences were Hello Enne and welcome toARTiculAction: fundamental in imparting discipline and we would like to invite our readers to visit focus in my creative process, including keeping an open dialogue with my work. order to get a wide idea about your artistic My process involves observing and listening production, and we would like to start this to my pieces as they develop, like listening interview with a couple of questions to my body, and then reacting. The evolution of my work begins with leafing regarding your background. You have a through the pages of an Italian book on the solid formal training: after having earned history of costume, containing sewing your BFA, from the SUNY College at patterns for various types of clothing. I Purchase you nurtured your education with noticed that each clothing pattern was an MFA from the prestigious School of composed of many different parts. I believe Visual Arts: how did these experiences this realization transferred to my work address your evolution as an artist? In initially through the creation of sets of particular, are there any experiences that separate wood panels placed side-by-side did particularly help you to develop your on the wall, and then later through the use