Maryam Dehbozorgi ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue whole and composition, gives him clues to create a better relationship with the work, and makes him curious about his surroundings so that The other things he deals with every day take on new meanings for him.. 730 daysis a stimulating series that reflects true stories that took place in a cafe and that you captured from its kitchen. Moreover, other works, as the interesting Unknown Dots are marked out with enigmatic ambienc able to trigger the viewers' imagination: how important is for you to invite the viewers to elaboratepersonal interpretations? And how open would you like your works to be understood? Maryam Dehbozorgi: As I said, I prefer the audience to freely analyze the work and make their own personal impression of it. The "730 Days" series, which depicts the days of my work in a café space,includes depicted stories that combine reality (the space photographed from the café) and imagination (my mental realities by adding pictures painted on photos). In the face of these images, the viewer can both guess the story that took place behind each image and is free to construct the story formed in their mind. The "Unknown Dots" series was also created after the death of my 14-year-old cousin from cancer. Scattered and irregular dots on the surface of the punch card that contain digital information are combined with regular, distinct dots that serve as the main information trying to create a structure and shape. Order and disorder are shown side by side. The multiplicity of these colored dots and their unbridled reproduction, puts the viewer in a challenging and illusory atmosphere and his imagination activates in the face of this entanglement and struggle between these points.