Gregory A McCullough ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue depending upon the medium the process will diverge somewhat. But most of my works start with seeing something that grabs me. (even if that is a former art work) From that intrigue comes some kind of a study, whether a photo-study or a digital-study or a charcoal study. Once I have a firmer idea of what really interests me in the concept, I will scale that up onto canvas (usually in charcoal) if going to a painting or I work it through digitally if another medium beckons. So the work shifts along the way, evolving. Yet somewhere in the crafting imposed by the medium, this initial study direction loses its primacy. It must. Creating art for me is an act of discovery. The painting takes on a life of its own. If it diverges from the original study I try to follow it willingly. So in the studies I am trying to be specific, I have a certain destination in mind. Yet once into the chosen medium I do seek out randomness and intuition. I liken it to Raku glazing, where I will seek out techniques and materials that I do not have complete control over (controlled chaos?). The final plan is an unplanned journey of sorts. Similar to a jaunt across stepping improvisation and spontaneity in your stones, the path isn’t laid out in detail, practice? you just head over there. Still this is all bounded by the original study direction, but I do try to release control to the Gregory A McCullough: Obviously unexpected and spontaneity. That is
ArticulAction, Biennial Edition 2022 - vol.1 Page 106 Page 108