Yuying Song ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue of the social problems caused by sexism and that people have equal rights and should not be confined by gender.When it comes to the development of women in interdisciplinary fields, I believe that gender differences do not prevent them from innovating and developing in any discipline, and I believe that we will see more and more excellent women in various fields in the future. In a controversial quote, German photographer Thomas Ruff stated that ''nowadays you don't have to paint to be an artist: you can photography in a realistic way". Provocatively, the German photographer highlighted the short circuit between the act of looking and that of thinking critically about images: as an artist interested in digital culture, how do you considerthe role of photographyin our contemporary age, constantly saturated by ubiquitous images? Yuying Song: Wow,this is indeed a controversial quote, which may be refuted by the words of the Norwegian painter Munch, who said: "The camera is ultimately inferior to the brush and paint, it cannot show heaven and hell. But I development.As Simone Beauvoir argues think both artists' views are too one- in Second Sex, "One is not born, but rather sided and I don't fully agree with them. becomes, a woman", many women's There is more than one way of art, works face the problem of being whether it is painting or photography, "shaped", but I As a female artist, I hope both are indispensable in the whole that more and more people will be aware history of image development.