ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Edition formative years influence your evolution as an artist? Moreover, how does the multifaceted nature of your cultural substratum due to your work in the fashion industry direct the trajectory of your current artistic research? Ildiko Sopronfalvi: In 2016 I bought my first SLR camera, which had been a dream of mine for a long time. I wanted to learn everything I could about photography, I devoured all technical literature, I read all the magazines, and that was the point when I decided to start study in a photography school. They were fantastic and inspiring years. I got to be part of an environment where singers, stylists, makeup artists were learning and working together on collaborative projects. I began to organize photo shootings and to work with people in a team. First I did CD covers and image shoots for singers and bands, and after I met a stylist I got interested in fashion photography and that's how I got into this world. I started to think conceptually, planning my shoots in advance. My projects became more and more creative. From my main job like a projekt manager I have learned organizing and bringing the project together these experiences helped a lot. For this special edition of ARTiculAction we have selected Plastic or fashion?, an extremely interesting project that our readers have already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article, and that has at once captured our attention for the way it unveils unstable, even the