Gergana Elenkova ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue space in the narrative of the major museums ethereal nature of digital images opposite the and galleries. Violations of women's rights can tactile longevity of material objects. It is only be accounted for through systematic important to note that having a uninterrupted action, that is, they should never give up feedback from your audience can be incredibly chasing and expressing their creative vision. useful and stimulating for an artist that is open With my works I set myself the task of making to dialogue with their viewers. vocal the position that "art of women" ,and women as a whole, have in society and their I believe that in today´s world art and artist value within it. themselves should be very flexible and very adaptive if they have a hope to survive, which The lack of understanding of why artistic are qualities that are suited for the digital actions related to "women's art" are in dire world. need is obvious. The universal issue of women's rights and their place in the art Thanks a lot for your time and for sharing your world is a clear sign that Bulgarian society thoughts, Gergana. Finally, would you like to urgently needs a constructive and informed tell us readers something about your future discussion on the issues of representation, projects? How do you see your work evolving? which is also in the context of my body Gergana Elenkova: In the last couple of years I installations. have set aside my installation projects and I You are an established artist and over the took a step back to my roots, expressing my years you have internationally exhibited in ideas in the form of drawings and illustrations. I several occasions: how do you considerthe use primarily basic materials such as pencils, nature of your relationship with your watercolors, ink, etc. I feel that this way of audience? By the way, as the move of Art working is very complementary to my creative from traditional gallery spaces, to street and process at the moment because it is very especially to online platforms — as spontaneous and immediate. Instagram@gergana_elenkova_art— increases, how would in your opinion change Even if the type of work I do has evolved in this the relationship with a globalised audience? way I still analyze and use the human body as center piece of my artistic vision. If you of your Gergana Elenkova: The traditional gallery readers would like to see some of these works show will always have a irreplaceable position they can visit my Instagram page in the way an artist presents their work, however it is true that the role of social media _art and their rapid expansion becomes impossible to ignore. In my opinion art in online platforms gives way to the compressed experience instead of An interview by , curator contemplation but that of the quick and easy and , curator access instead of the elitist art scene experience. Its the difference between the