Claudia Grünig ARTICUL CTION A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Issue achieve such brilliant results? In particular how important was for you to capturespontaneity? Claudia Grünig: One aspect of these photographs was to explore physicality. Thus the color of the clothing, which in some images resembles the color of the skin, is related to the life-giving quality of the infusion. Body, clothing and infusion combine in these works. In the images of waste and abundance, this similarity is suspended. However, image finding is always a process for me. In the "original shots" new "realities" are found in the course of my observation and processing. I have a clear idea witch photos I want to take for this and what material I can work with. That requires a little planning. On this basis, everything else develops spontaneously. Experiment, trial and error are included. The personality of my models plays an equally important role. The effect of a picture is always carried by their presence and their individual characteristics. Personality thus becomes an integral part of the composition. Through them I achieve a great authenticity. Thus, my "finished pictures" unexpectedly lead me to results that I do not know how to describe beforehand and did not expect. This was also the case in this work. Some of what I wanted to realize did not realize. Others were found. As you have remarked in your artist's statement, yourpictures show inner psychological states-forms of being and experiencing. They transform multi-layered states into multi-layered images and make them tangible: through your works you created such uniquevisual vocabularyable to trigger the viewers' imagination, inviting them to explore and cross the flowing boundaries between reality and perception, urging the to elaborate personal interpretations: how open would you