ICUL CTION Special Edition ART A C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t R e v i e w Special Edition For this special edition of ARTiculAction we have selectedInstalaciones Corporales, an extremely interesting project that our readers have already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article. What has at once captured our attention of your artistic research is the way it highlights the relationship between the body and its surroundings: when walking our readers throughthe genesisofInstalaciones Corporales, would you tell us how did you develop the initial idea? Gergana Elenkova: To better understand the genesis of the Instalaciones Corporales (Body Installations) project, I will have to briefly describe the background that led to its creation. I come from a country where my first years of creativity went through the transition period from totalitarianism to democracy. Most of the people remembered the old and did not want to forget it, and we young people did not know it, and we wanted to live with a free spirit following the western model of development of society. The influences from the turbulent times that we were going trough led me to expressing my rebellious nature trough the project Instalaciones Corporales where I wanted to show my vision on the effects of the relations of different types of power on the subject. The works series reflects Michel Foucault's Biopower theory, which interprets the subject's body as the nucleus through which power relations pass.I have titled the works as body installations because they propose to be built for and by the body. A body that is the product and reflection of the socio- cultural structure, and itself becomes the representative of powers that are inscribed upon itself. We really appreciate your sapient use of materials that reminds leather, and even skin, that the viewer could recognize as belonging to